List of Beautiful and Exotic Wonosari Beach

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List of Beautiful and Exotic Wonosari Beach

List Of Beautiful and Exotic Wonosari Beach - Yogyakarta natural charm will take a long time for you to track it down one by one. In Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta roof only has 11 beautiful beaches that are ready to welcome you to enjoy the beauty.As a tourist area, it seems Yogyakarta know very well how to pamper its visitors. Tourist destinations and facilities to be available here.Of 5 districts in Yogyakarta , Gunung Kidul is perhaps one of the most famous . Located in the south of Yogyakarta , the district is rich in panoramic beaches . Here are 11 beautiful Wonosari Beach in Gunung Kidul Yogyakarta :

wonosari beach

1 . Sundak Beach
Sundak beach in the village of Sidoharjo , Tepus , Gunung Kidul , had a legend . Sundak name supposedly comes from the fights between dogs in the Java language is asu and porcupine . So then , the two animals were shortened to Sundak .Regardless of the legend , Sundak has a very beautiful natural scenery . So no wonder if the latter is a natural tourist beaches in Gunung Kidul seed . Collaboration between the sloping white sand and clear sea water make this beach appeal .Walked down the beach a mandatory activity here . You will be served by the hills - limestone hills of the exotic and often used as a shooting location . Sundak beach also has a cave with a freshwater spring wells into water sources nearby residents.

2. Krakal beach
Krakal beach has a special violent waves south coast, but had a beautiful view. The beach is not far from Wonosari, the capital of Gunung Kidul. Located adjacent to the beach Sundak, famous for its coral stone.Krakal beach is classified as a sloping beach. Also clean white sand beach is the main attraction. Not to mention the stones - stones that exotic, beautiful scenery Krakal Beach make more complete.While not as big as other coastal waves, beach Krakal has begun raided by the surfer. Those who come are usually a beginner surfer beginners conquer the waves.

3. Wediombo beach
For those of you who like fishing, buying fish at Sadeng seems to be a boring thing. Surely you'd prefer to fish alone, because it can be more satisfying. Just come to the beach Wediombo in Jepitu, Girisubo, Gunung Kidul.On this beach, you can fish from the top of the cliff. Herb fish here is very large, but it is not easy to get. To achieve it, you have to walk about 1 hour from the beach Wediombo.In addition to fishing, of course you can enjoy the beautiful views. Sea water is very clear, unlike other beaches due to contaminated greenish. White sand beaches and gently sloping. It is definitely a fun vacation you can get on the beach.

4 . Indrayanti beach
Who could be bored to visit Indrayanti Beach ? Beautiful beaches in Gunung Kidul is slowly starting to become major tourist attraction destination . Indrayanti very crowded beaches , such as Kuta Beach in Bali . What now has many vendors selling food and tents colored - iridescent for the visitors who want to relax by the beach pantai.Di other corner , there is a high cliff which is also captivating . Turns out this is a favorite spot connoisseur views of the beach . Atmosphere of the crowded beach and blue sea looks beautiful from the top of the cliff .

5 . Sadeng beach
Maybe you do not quite know the name Sadeng . This beach is not much visited by tourists , as it is more known as the fish auction . But , that does not mean Sadeng not have pesona.Di fishing boats lined up along the beach which is dominated by light blue color . Scenery more beautiful thanks to the stone - limestone on the right and the left coast . In addition to being coastal tourist destinations , of course Sadeng could be an alternative option if you want to shop for seafood .

6 . Sepanjang Beach
Many say Beach Throughout the past is Kuta Beach , quiet and not crowded . The beach is located in the Village Kemadang , not far from the beach Sundak has rock - rock eksotis.Nama Throughout taken as this is the longest beaches in Gunung Kidul . Nature is still very natural . Clear water is very pretty when slammed coral - coral solid . Do not forget to prepare your camera to capture all the beautiful moments while on vacation at the beach long .

7 . Ngobaran beach
Ngobaran beach is a very beautiful beach . When low tide , you can see the green alga or seaweed plants that grow naturally on the coast . More complete view of the time the evening before . Sunset that emit light golden successfully juggle Beach cantik.Ada Ngobaran be very unique on the beach which is located in the village of Kanigoro , Saptosari , Gunung Kidul , that is the place of worship of four different religions . The atmosphere is most evident is the temple with a statue - the statue is white .

8 . Ngrenehan beach
Coming to Beach Ngobaran incomplete if it did not come to the beach in the next , namely Ngrenehan . Still in Kanigoro Village , this beach is surrounded by limestone hills that became its appeal . White sand beaches and water bluish green sea makes the atmosphere very perfect . Moreover , the waves here are not too kencang.Di here , we can see the activities of the fishermen and can even enjoy their catch of fish . On the Beach Ngrenehan indeed provided the restaurants serve a variety of seafood , of course, all proceeds go to sea the fishermen on the beach . Do not ask about the feeling , because you will definitely hooked .

9 . Baron beach
Baron beach is located approximately 40 km from Yogyakarta this store are very beautiful charm . Contours of the valley and river water bargaining become a magnet for tourists who come . Baron Beach access road to it is not hard to reach. You could say , infrastructure into this area very well .
This beach soulful contour through the valley on either side of the shoreline . On the right , visitors can see the freshwater river that empties directly into the sea . Endless white sand beaches , making everyone feel at home - a long time here .

10 . Siung beach
Siung Tepus located in the District , Gunung Kidul . Located 70 km from the city center , a trip to the beach is quite far and tiring . Winding streets and up and down will spend about 2 hours . Once there , the tiredness will disappear instantly when I saw pantainya.Pasirnya pure white , sea blue , and cool air will greet you . For photographers , this beauty is very tempting and should be enshrined in the camera . Siung has become an attractive destination in the area of ​​Gunung Kidul .For the challengers adrenaline , climbing - the cliffs Siung very interesting to conquer.

11 . Jungwok beach
In addition to the ten already famous beaches in Gunung Kidul , the district was still have other beaches that are not less beautiful , Jungwok Beach . His name will probably sound very foreign . But once you see the landscape , certainly will never forget him .You definitely will not believe if the beach is located in Gunung Kidul , because the landscape as if making Jungwok Beach is in the corners . This beach is very clean , even to say is still a virgin . Obviously , the beach located in Gunung Kidul , the access is quite difficult .

Travelers should be down field belonging to a population of around quite tiring . However , the beautiful scenery definitely made ​​the trip will not seem far away. Nature is very beautiful , friendly local people also greet each traveler .Arriving at the beach Jungwok , you are immediately greeted by the towering rock . The black color makes the stone look very solid despite the big waves are always crashing . Beauty suitable to be used as the destination when you visit Yogyakarta later

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